With the proliferation of the online courses, your professional development is just a click away. Acquiring new skills, knowledge and attitudes is now easier than ever. You have at your fingertips just-in-need, just-in-time, convenient learning. Just grab your smart device and click or tap away!
How do you select your learning from the myriad of choices? It is said that “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there” So, have you identified your performance need? At Zenskillz we can help you identify the gap between the current performance and the targeted one. Training creates the potential for performance improvement. How do you make the learning worthwhile and impactful? By turning it into practice! The learners need to demonstrate that they can apply the new skills to real-life situations.
Learning can be a breeze, but the practice can haunt you… It is said that it takes 21 days to create a new behavior. By applying the new skills and knowledge to real- life situations, you can create new behaviors. They key is to use the new skills consistently and to allow their meaningful transfer to work/life situations. It is the application of learning and not the learning itself that adds value. In the workplace, learning will endure with continued effort from the learners (employees) and their managers. We believe that at the heart of good performance is an honest relationship employee /manager, based on active communication, positive feedback and ongoing coaching and support.
The newly created behaviors can lead to improved performance and finally, to the desired results. This is a journey with a clear destination in mind. Here are a few examples of possible tangible results: improved quality of services and products, reduced costs, increased customer satisfaction, reduced turnover rates, etc. These are success stories which will prove true the application of learning. They show the value learning is capable of when properly turned into practice.